I am a scientist studying the interplay of physics and biology in the polar oceans. My work currently focuses on using both active (SONAR) and passive acoustics (hydrophones) and autonomous surface vehicles to monitor the interaction between the Southern Ocean ecosystem and krill fisheries. I have experience with the analysis and interpretation of data from acoustic Doppler current profilers, CTDs, echosounders and autonomous recorders, mounted on research vessels, moorings, floats and drones. I am developing new methods and algorithms to interpret these large datasets, currently focusing on inverse modeling to combine observations and models.

I am also a climber, skier, vanbum and lover of the outdoor life. I live life in pirate mode, with a carbon/titanium leg instead of the good old wooden plank. Since I can never get up on the wrong foot, I love to share my passion for para-climbing and skiing and want encourage my fellow Captain Ahabs and Captains Hooks to go on adventures!

Mail: sebastian.menze@gmail.com

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