
Menze, S., Ingvaldsen, R. B., Nikolopoulos, A., Hattermann, T., Albretsen, J., & Gjøsæter, H. (2020). Productive detours – Atlantic water inflow and acoustic backscatter in the major troughs along the Svalbard shelf. Progress in Oceanography, 188(September), 102447.

Menze, S., Zitterbart, D., Biuw, M., & Boebel, O. (2019). Estimating the spatial distribution of vocalizing animals from ambient sound spectra using widely spaced recorder arrays and inverse modelling. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146(6), 4699–4717.

Menze, S., Ingvaldsen, R. B., Haugan, P., Beszczynska-Moeller, A., Fer, I., Sundfjord, A., & Falk-Petersen, S. (2019). Atlantic Water pathways along the north-western Svalbard shelf mapped using vessel-mounted current profilers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1–18.

Menze, S., Zitterbart, D. P., van Opzeeland, I., & Boebel, O. (2017). The influence of sea ice, wind speed and marine mammals on Southern Ocean ambient sound. Royal Society Open Science, 4(1), 160370.

Cohen, J. H., Berge, J., Moline, M. A., Sørensen, A. J., Last, K., Falk-Petersen, S., … Johnsen, G. (2015). Is Ambient Light during the High Arctic Polar Night Sufficient to Act as a Visual Cue for Zooplankton? Plos One, 10(6), e0126247.

Menze, S., Rettig, S., Opzeeland, I. van, Kindermann, L., & Boebel, O. (2013). Ambient noise monitoring in the Southern Ocean applying EU good environmental status descriptors. In International AmiBio Workshop: Recent Progress in Computational Bioacoustics for Assessing Biodiversity, Bonn (pp. 1–8). Link


Menze, S. (2020). Listening to the polar oceans : Monitoring and mapping marine ecosystems using passive and active acoustics. PhD thesis at the University of Bergen, 1-149.

Menze, S. (2015). Estimating fin whale distribution from ambient noise spectra using Bayesian inversion. Master Thesis at the University of Bergen, 1–117.


Menze, S., Ingvaldsen R., Sundfjord A., Falk-Petersen S., Beszczynska-Moeller A. (2017) Circulation and transport of Atlantic Water along the northern Svalbard shelf break based on ADCP data. Ocean Outlook conference and RESCLIM conference. Bergen and Upsete

Menze S. (2017) Seeing under water: Estimating the distribution of vocalizing marine mammals from ambient sound spectra. Ocean Outlook conference. Bergen

Menze, S., Kindermann, L., Opzeeland, I. Van, Rettig, S., Bombosch, A., Zitterbart, D. (2013). Soundscapes of the Southern Ocean : Passive Acoustic Monitoring in the Weddell Sea. German Polar Conference. Hamburg.

Rettig, S., Boebel, O., Menze, S., Kindermann, L., Thomisch, K., & Van Opzeeland, I. (2013). Local to basin scale arrays for passive acoustic monitoring in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. In 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics (pp. 1669–1674). Retrieved from

Recorded talks

PhD defense:

Short talk on  mapping currents with vessel mounted acoustic Doppler current profilers:


Radio interview about my Southern Ocean soundscape research:

Newspaper articles about my Southern ocean soundscape research:

for children :)